The Cool Calm

The Cool Calm is the Crisis Text Line blog. Insights, data, stories, and other looks at our work in crisis intervention and technology.

100 Cohorts of Crisis Counselors—Our Empathy MVPs!


This week at Crisis Text Line was extra special; we celebrated our 100th training cohort of Crisis Counselors! This means that in the 6 years we have existed, we have brought groups together virtually to train them to be empathy MVPs and support our texters 100 times. Our coaching team supports our Crisis Counselors through our web-based training as they unlock the tools to support texters in crisis. As a coach, I find it incredibly gratifying to be able to support all kinds of people in tapping into their empathetic selves. After completing rigorous training, our volunteers feel confident bring texters from a  hot moment to cool and calm, covering issues ranging from self-harm and anxiety to depression and bullying

In our hundred cohorts of Crisis Counselors, we’ve learned that the empathy skills Crisis Counselors pick up through training make waves throughout the world. Not only does going through this 30-hour training prepare you to help those in crisis, but this training is also transferable to everyday life. One of our Crisis Counselors put it best: “I volunteer for Crisis Text Line because practicing empathy and reflective listening makes me a better friend, partner, and employee.” In fact, 90% of Counselors say they use the skills they learn at Crisis Text Line in their personal lives. 

Sure, becoming a Crisis Counselor is about showing up for your community. It’s also about showing up for yourself. Science says that building strong social ties (hello, like joining a community of rad Empathy MVPs!) can also do wonders for your own mental health. Through interviews with Crisis Counselors, we’ve found that the work our Counselors do has not only a large impact on the texters but also on their own sense of fulfillment. So, there you have it, volunteering with Crisis Text Line is both a great way to serve others and an excellent way to practice self-care. 

Also, ICYMI: we’re revolutionizing volunteerism. Why? Because we think everyone should be able to show up for the world. Usually, if you want to volunteer somewhere, you usually need to live in a city and be available around the same time every week. Our program is 100% remote. That means you can help others at times that work best for you. Our past cohorts have included people of all backgrounds and walks of life. In fact, this past cohort we trained a mother-daughter duo who had made a resolution to make some social impact as a team! 

So, where do you come in? If you’re already one of our all-star Crisis Counselors, thank you! If you’re looking to up your Empathy MVP game, apply to join our 101st training cohort! Did we mention you can volunteer in your pajamas? Talk about double the self-care: how about taking conversations wearing your favorite facemask? 

We live in a world that expects a lot of us. Trying to navigate fulltime jobs, the healthcare system, or even relationships can be really complicated. While a lot of things in our life can seem overwhelming and out of our control, bringing a texter in crisis, to a cool and calm state can give you the warm and fuzzies all around!