Supervisors & Coaches

Learn more about the Supervisors and Coaches who support Crisis Counselors throughout their time with Crisis Text Line.


Supervisors & Coaches

About Our Supervisors

Our Supervisors are qualified and empathetic Crisis Text Line staff members with expertise in crisis intervention. Supervisors provide real time support on our Platform 24/7--a paid professional is watching every conversation, supporting our Crisis Counselors as they serve people in crisis. Through this collaborative approach, Supervisors oversee conversation quality, provide Crisis Counselors with security and stability, serve as the liaison to emergency and child protection services, and instill positivity to ensure texters receive the highest level of care. Beyond their role on the Platform, we believe Supervisors can contribute to our organizational excellence in other ways: serving as mental health experts, contributing to internal policy improvements, and sometimes even leading innovative product development. Supervisor relevant prior experience includes an advanced degree in mental health, counseling, psychology, or social work. Additionally, Supervisors must have experience in and mastery of crisis intervention.

About Our Coaches

Our Coaches support Crisis Counselors off the platform. Coaches are the first people Crisis Counselors meet on their volunteer journey with us and that Coach stays with you for your entire Crisis Counselor experience here. From the moment you register for training all the way up through becoming an experienced Crisis Counselor with 1,000+ conversations behind you, Coaches are here to buoy our Crisis Counselors.

Your Coach is the go-to person for any questions or concerns the Crisis Counselors may have off the platform. Your Coach gives feedback on conversations and can answer questions about the volunteer commitment. Expect them to communicate in a warm, thoughtful, and supportive way throughout your lifecycle here.

Our Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds including training, education, customer service, and community development.